About Us

There’s a saying in literature that good writers turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and the extraordinary into the ordinary.

As a simple suburban cook, that’s what I’m always trying to accomplish. I look for ways to turn simple family dishes into something that the family begs you to make again and again. Conversely, I seek out unusual ingredients and try to expose my family to them in accesibile dishes so they won’t balk at the sight of them.

My name is Roman and I hope this site helps you grow as a cook. So Look around at these recipes and let me know if you find something you had to make and give me some feedback. Did you like it? What did you change? Would you make it again or would you forget it?

Then go out to your neighborhood grocery store and pick out the unusual things. Buy an ingredient you’ve never used at your local farmer’s market. Or, if you have a good Asian or Hispanic grocery store, venture in and buy something completely foreign.

You never know, the unusual ingredient you find today may become one of your cherished recipe secrets that will get passed down in your family for generations.

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